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Thank you for considering giving to the First Baptist Academy LionHeart Fund. The Fund was established for those who have a heart for Christian education, and desire to make a God-honoring impact in the lives of children. Our goal is not to shelter students from the world, but rather teach them how to transform it. Your generosity will provide needed capital improvements, cutting-edge technology, upgraded classroom learning environments, needed safety enhancements, and financial assistance to those families who are struggling to make ends meet.

First Baptist Academy students are loved and influenced by committed Christians sharing the same biblical values as their parents. All of our families have made major sacrifices in their lifestyle choices in order to afford Christian education. Your contribution will help keep costs competitive and affordable for these families. 100% of your donation will be used to assist in the education of young lives.

We are asking for your help because children are the next generation, and we must pass on a moral, God-fearing legacy to them. Would you be willing to help by giving a donation today? Every dollar of your gift will be put to work immediately.

Please support our team of experienced educators as we strive to provide an academically rigorous God-honoring education in a safe, secure, and nurturing environment. Join other LionHeart Fund contributors who are making a difference.

Your tax-deductible gift is very much appreciated. A receipt will be provided for your records. 

Live donation link coming soon. 

Support FBA Through Prayer

The most important way you can support FBA is through your prayers. We depend on the grace and work of God in the lives of our students and FBA Family. We believe that God is more than willing to answer prayers of support and encouragement for our students and school. 

When you pray for FBA, we ask that you specifically pray for: 

  • The spiritual growth of each student
  • Biblical-based instruction and discipleship of our faculty and staff
  • Financial provision for the continued pursuit and implementation of the FBA ministry